Tasty vegan recipes

Vegan Chocolate cake with coconut and mix berries mousse
I really enjoy making vegan cakes lately. They are so much fun to make. I have to always make a research and then I like to create my own recipe. I am very happy to share this recipe with you. I made this vegan chocolate cake with coconut and berries mousse specially for my friend….

Recipe of Ecuadorian spiced berry drink “Colada Morada”
Every since I was a young girl, I remember my grandmother making Colada Morada at home with anticipation of the 2nd of November! She always made the most tasty Colada Morada, which is a very traditional Spiced Berry Corn Drink served all over Ecuador during the month of October and November. If you have ever…

Vegan Orange and Almonds Chocolate cake
This is the first time I make a vegan cake and it was a nice experience. My friend is vegan and it was her birthday the other day. She had never had a cake for her birthday so I decided to give it a try and make her a special cake for her birthday. I…

How to make Sourdough Bread
There is nothing better than a homemade Sourdough Bread, which is a bread made with sourdough starter, salt, water and flour. You won’t need yeast to make your very own Sourdough Bread at home, but you are going to need to first make your Sourdough Starter. If you want to learn how to make your…

Rotis Recipe
The Roti is also known as Chapati, and are the most traditional flat bread from India and are very popular in South Africa and many other countries. Rotis came to South Africa in the 19th century and became very important in the Durban cuisine as they are usually eaten with curries. Rotis date back to…

Tree Tomato Hummus
Tree Tomatoes, also known as Tamarillos come from the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and other South American countries. You can find them in different colors, predominantly orange and red. The orange Tree Tomatoes are sweeter than the red ones which are tarty and have a rather astringent flavor. Uses of Tree Tomatoes include: Tree…

Homemade Orange Marmalade Recipe
Since I move to South Africa I felt in love of Orange Marmalade. The flavor, The Texture and Tarty taste captivated me. I like to take advantage of the seasons. In South Africa we are almost at the end of winter so It is the perfect time to use your citrus fruits. You need a…

How to start your own Sour Starter or Masa Madre at Home
What you need to know before you start making your own Masa Madre at home? – You need to be able to make bread at least once a week. – You need to consider that having your own Masa Madre requires time and effort because it´s alive and If you don´t feed her it will…

Everything start it when my partner and I decide to buy a new car, we went to fetch the new car at the previous owner house and his wife had Kombucha in her kitchen. She kindly offer me some scoby to take home an start my own KOMBUCHA. I always want it to do it….

The perfect cup of Hojicha Roasted Green Tea
Hojicha is a roasted green tea from Japan. What I really love about this tea is the taste: A light refreshing but flavorful, with a fine roasted aroma and notes similar to black teas, dark almost red in color. I discovered this tea when I was doing the last project for my Master and our…